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Na nguuru Japon ruslu! Na nguuru Japon ruslu!
Na nguuru Japon ruslu! Na nguuru Japon ruslu!
Dangeen a bàyyi xel rekk ci sañ-sañ!
Dee nga! Dee nga!
Lu tax nga defal ko lu jaadu ngir dalal ko?
Dee nga! Dee nga!
Lu tax ngeen di jàpp képp ku ko wàññi?
Dee nga! Dee nga!
Ñoom deful dara lu war a am solo!
Dee nga! Dee nga!

Lu tax ngeen di tëj nit ñi def ay web yu "leech"?
Amnisti ci nit ñi ñuul ñi ñu jiiñ ci lu dul dëgg!
Léegi ñu tëj leen juróomi at, di xiif ba dee!
Dangeen di sàggane ci kàttanu waxtaanu!
Lu tax ngeen wara tere lépp lu ñu dajale!
Ñi jàng, di seetlu, ak di sàmm yoon yépp a ngi ci jaaxle!
Lu tax ngeen di seet ñi ko wàññi, suñu deful dara lu bon?
Lan moo tax ngeen di jàll ci seen bopp, ci lu dul yoon?

Da nga tëj nit ñi ngir ñu upload ay coppite yu film yu 10i minut!
Danga bàyyi say cartel ci wàllu mbëj di jàll ci cosaanu askan wi!
Da nga tëj nit ngir soloo ay video ci gameplay bi!
Déggal ñi ngeen di wooye "kati ñaawtéef"! Yërëm leen!
Yéen waa nguur gii, rusleen! Danga wara ñaan ndànk!
Yéen Shueisha, Kodansha, Shogakukan, ak Kadokawa!
Yéen, Nintendo, rusleen, ndax ñàkk teral YouTubers yi!
Nañu rus! Nañu rus! Nañu rus! Nañu rus!

English translation:

Shame to Japan's government!
Shame to Japan's government!
Shame to Japan's government!
Shame to Japan's government!

You care nothing but copyright!
Death to you! Death to you!
Why do you make it illegal to download?
Death to you! Death to you!
Why would you arrest all downloaders!
Death to you! Death to you!
They did nothing that should be serious at all!
Death to you! Death to you!

Why would you imprison people who make "leech" sites?
Amnesty to the innocent people wrongfully charged!
Now they are imprisoned for five years, starving to death!
You acts are brutally suppressing freedom of speech!
Why should you outlaw all downloading!
All academics, researchers, and lawyers are concerned!
Why should you investigate downloaders if they did nothing wrong?
And why should you illegally invade the privacy of website owners?

You jailed people for uploading 10-minute movie summaries!
You let your content cartels invade privacy of average people!
You jailed a person just for uploading gameplay videos!
Free what you call "criminals"! Amnesty to them!
Shame on you, Japanese government! You must apologize!
Shame on you, Shueisha, Kodansha, Shogakukan, and Kadokawa!
Shame on you, Nintendo, for disrespecting YouTubers!
Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you!

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