User:Think Fast

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



I joined Wikipedia and made my first edit on 19 June 2005.

Tip of the Day[edit]

Formatting disambiguation pages

Since topics with the same name don't share article pages, we have disambiguation pages to inform readers what the articles for those topics are called. Disambiguation pages list topics referred to by the same name. Like the city Chicago and the band Chicago. (See Chicago (disambiguation)).

To keep search results the most relevant, disambiguation pages should never link to pages other than the search terms. Nor should they have pipes ( " | " ) in the wikilinks which conceal the actual topic name. Also, avoid including distracting information. Definitions should be concise.

To add this auto-updating template to your user page, use {{totd}}

Links for Myself[edit]

Articles I Started[edit]

To Do[edit]

This user is a translator from French to English on Wikipedia:Translation.

Happy First Edit Day[edit]

Happy First Edit Day, Think Fast, from the Wikipedia Birthday Committee! Have a great day!

--I dream of horses (talk) 04:23, 21 June 2009 (UTC)