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21 minutes (international conference)[edit]

21 Minutes - The Knowledge of excellence
Founded2009; 15 years ago (2009)
OwnerPatrizio Paoletti Foundation (2009–present) November 2009; 14 years ago (2009-11) (first conference)
Founder(s)Patrizio Paoletti (ideator and chairman)

21 minutes (21min) is an International Conference held annually by Patrizio Paoletti Foundation for Development and Communication under the slogan The Knowledge of Excellence[AP1] ”. 21min was conceived by Patrizio Paoletti, in 2009 [AP2] as a conference in which renowned speakers share their “inner design technology[AP3] ” through a 21 minute lasting speech. According to the idea of “inner design technology”, speakers from different fields are asked to share their personal inner strategies to perform better and deal effectively with success and failure, in order to enhance self-awareness in themselves and the audience. Paoletti designed 21min based on his paradigm “Ph.A.S.E[AP4] . – Philosophy Art Science Economics”, aiming at promoting an interdisciplinary understanding of the contemporary world and envision a better future. However, philosophy, art, science and economics are conceived in the paradigm not merely as the correspondent academic disciplines, but according to Paoletti’s definitions: philosophy as vision, art as innovation, science as verifying, economics as sustainability[AP5] .

Past speakers include the Nobel Prize laureates: Betty Williams, Mairead Corrigan Maguire, David Gross, Woodrow Clark II, Martin Chalfie and from different fields, philosophers and activists: Erin Gruwell, Giulio Giorello, Gilead Sher; artists: Massoud Hassani, Carlo Ratti, Ernö Rubik; neuroscientists: Michael S. Gazzaniga, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Miguel Nicolelis, Moshe Bar; economists: Sanjit Bunker Roy, Fernando Napolitano, Michele Boldrin, Tristram Stuart.[AP6]


21 Minutes is organized according to Patrizio Paoletti's PH.A.S.E. paradigm[AP7] , every edition is particularly focusing on one of the paradigm’s elements. According to the conference vision, Philosophy, Art, Science and Economics is the path of cerebral, psycho-emotional and intellectual development that the human species has followed since its appearance on earth. Following this paradigm, human development starts from Philosophy not intended here as specific discipline, but the search for a higher knowledge than what we had before. The answer to this philosophical question brings us a new vision and asks us to be part of what we see and to influence what we see, leaving a mark: this is wha tis conceived in the paradigm as art. Art is then intended as techné and allows us to move from this new knowledge that we have acquired towards its sustainable verification, which here represents science. Again, Science in the paradigm doesn’t refer to a discipline, but to the verification of what we have asked of ourselves and what we have discovered about ourselves and others around us. Gregory Bateson’s idea of an “ecology of the mind” is recalled, as the only mean to be actually sustainable, because – in Paoletti’s vision – an ecology of mind would lead us to understand the necessity of concomitant different visions and, consequently, to become aware of the need for peace as a way of coexistence.

The conference[edit]

The event is organized with Paoletti as the chairman introducing the speakers and interviewing them on the stage right after their talks. Each talk lasts 21 minutes and may include besides to a speech, also visual presentations and/or artistic performances. Speakers are explicitly asked to share with the audience not their professional accomplishments, but their inner strategies to motivate themselves and deal with frustration, with the aim to provide an informative to the public. In the interview following each speech, Paoletti stimulates the speaker in this regard.

In the first four editions, 21 speakers gave their speeches for three days. The following editions the number of speakers has varied.


2009-2012 The first four editions with 21 speakers[edit]

The first four editions of the conference were held with 21 speakers each, including Paoletti as chairman. Each edition focused on one part of the paradigm Ph.A.S.E. (Philosophy, Art, Science, Economics). The first edition in 2009 took place in Milan, in the historical Stadio del ghiaccio. The second edition took place in Milan at the East Ens Studios. The third edition took place in Assisi at the Lyrick Theatre. The fourth edition took place at the "Teatro del Pavone", in Perugia.

Speakers for edition[edit]

2009 Paoletti Patrizio Chairman
2009 Ben-Ami Shlomo Historian
2009 Bignami Giovanni Physicist
2009 Brunello Mario Musician
2009 Bunker Roy Sunjit Social activist and Educator
2009 Cucinella Mario Architecht
2009 El Khayat Rita Ethno-Psychiatrist
2009 Gandhi Tara Social activist
2009 Gazzaniga Michael Neuroscientist
2009 Giuliani Letizia Dancer
2009 Gruwell Erin Teacher
2009 Gubitosi Claudio Artistic Director Giffoni Film Festival
2009 Loroupe Tegla Long-distance track and road-runner
2009 Meroi Nives Mountaineer
2009 Oldani Davide Chef
2009 Patel Raj Academic, Journalist, Activist and Writer
2009 Rizzolatti Giacomo Neurophysiologist
2009 Rubik Ernö Inventor, Architect and Professor of Architecture
2009 Sher Gilead Attorney
2009 Velasco Julio Professional volleyball coach and Sport administrator
2009 Vello Pier Mario Management theorist
2010 Abeles Moshe Neuroscientis
2010 Bertone Alberto Entrepreneur
2010 Boncinelli Edoardo Geneticist
2010 Calabresi Mario Journalist
2010 Campiotti Giacomo Director
2010 Clark II Woodrow Economist, Nobel Prize Laureate
2010 Donadon Riccardo Entrepreneur
2010 Farid Andeisha Social Activist
2010 Galeazzi Mara Dancer
2010 Giannino Oscar Economist
2010 Gross David J. Physicist, Nobel Prize Laureate
2010 Idem Josefa Athlete, Politician
2010 Korsakova Natasha Musician
2010 Leprince Emmanuel Entrepreneur
2010 Mazzetti Luciano Pedagogist
2010 Polgar Susan Chess player
2010 Sannino Alessandro Chemicist
2010 Say Sam Entrepreneur
2010 Sensini Alessandra Athlete
2010 Serfaty Dal Entrepreneur
2011 Alonso Puig Mario Physician, Popularizer
2011 Astorri Marco Entrepreneur
2011 Biffi Selene Social Activist
2011 Bizzi Emilio Neuroscientist
2011 Caprarica Antonio Journalist
2011 Chalfie Martin Chemist, Nobel Prize Laureate
2011 Churchland Patricia Neuroscientist
2011 Giorello Giulio Philosopher
2011 Lungarotti Chiara Entrepreneur
2011 Marietti Augusto Entrepreneur
2011 May Fiona Track and Field Athlete, Actress
2011 Nespoli Paolo Astronaut, Engineer
2011 Ongaro Filippo Physician, Popularizer
2011 Rampini Federico Journalist
2011 Ratti Carlo Architect, Engineer, Inventor, Educator, Activist
2011 Rossi Giampaolo Journalist
2011 Salomon Marina Entrepreneur
2011 Sharot Tali Neuroscientist
2011 Tozzi Mario Geologist, Popularizer
2011 Vargas Enrique Theatre director
2012 Avallone Francesco Organizational Psychologist
2012 Bencivenga Ermanno Philopsopher
2012 Boldrin Michele Economist
2012 D’Orville Hans Strategic Planner UNESCO
2012 Despommier Dickson Microbiologist
2012 Fabi Niccolò Singer-songwriter
2012 Groppi Davide Designer
2012 La Mantia Filippo Chef
2012 Lomele Vito Entrepreneur
2012 Mazzolai Barbara Biologist and Engineer
2012 Morelli Angela Information Designer
2012 Moro Andrea Neuro-linguist
2012 Nicolelis Miguel Neuroscientist
2012 Picolotti Romina Lawyer, Environmental activist
2012 Salviato Fabio Banker
2012 Signorelli Riccardo Entrepreneur
2012 Sitskoorn Margriet Neuroscientist
2012 Stuart Tristram Author, Campaigner
2012 Williams Betty Social Activist, Nobel Prize Laureate
2012 Zambelli Daniele Designer, Entrepreneur

Editions 2013-2020[edit]

2013 Bar Moshe Neuroscientist
2013 Canale Rosy Social activist
2013 Herczog Maria Policy analyst
2013 Prasso Luca Informatic designer
2014 Bernardi Gianni Astrophysicist
2014 Cacciapaglia Roberto Musician
2014 Corrigan Maguire Mairead Social activist, Nobel Prize Laureate
2014 De Caro Mario Philosopher
2014 Franceschetti Paolo Engineer, Social activist
2014 Gribaudi Mariacristina Entrepreneur
2014 Hassani Massoud Designer, Entrepreneur
2014 Napolitano Fernando Entrepreneur
2014 Zanenga Paolo Engineer

Virtual Coffee[edit]

The "Virtual Coffee" is a series of live conversations between Patrizio Paoletti and leading personalities in the fields of Philosophy, Art, Science and Economics. The live sessions are broadcast free of charge on Instagram and aim to reflect and encourage people to reflect on the future that awaits us after the Covid 19 emergency.

Everything starts from the question: how can we prepare ourselves to face the great changes we are experiencing?

According to 21min website, the aim of the "Virtual Coffee" sessions is to share innovative ideas that can give orientation and support to everyone. The final aim is to promote a greater awareness of the infinite inner resources that each of us possesses, the incredible strength that can allow us to transform difficulties into opportunities.

21min and the UN Sustainable Goals[edit]

As is stated in the conference website, with the permanent 21 Minutes Future project, Patrizio Paoletti Foundation aims to contribute to achieving the "Sustainable Development Goals" contained in United Nations 2030 Agenda. From the fight against climate change (13) to the promotion of responsible consumption and production (12), from the defeat of poverty (1) to the reduction of inequalities (10), from the construction of sustainable cities and communities (11) to the promotion of start-ups and innovative businesses (9), from the guarantee of quality education (4) to the promotion of health and well-being (3).

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[AP6]tutti scelti perché hanno una pagina su wikipedia in inglese

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[AP6]tutti scelti perché hanno una pagina su wikipedia in inglese

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Category:International conferences