How Does the Clearblue Fertility Monitor Work?

Clearblue Fertility Monitor Use
Getting pregnant can be an easy task for some couples while other couples struggle to have a child. Although underlying health problems may be responsible, the vast majority of couples simply need to improve the timing of intercourse to reflect a woman’s most fertile days in her monthly cycle. The Clearblue fertility monitor can empower women with diagnostic data that pinpoints their most fertile days with a 99% rate of accuracy.

The Clearblue fertility monitor works by analyzing the presence of estrogen and luteinizing hormones in the urine. The monitor, which is a sophisticated home medical device, reads the presence of these hormones from disposable test sticks. When the monitor reads the test sticks, important data is saved into the monitor’s memory and is used to predict peak fertility. This fertility monitor can also pinpoint periods of high fertility, which can also lead to a pregnancy if sexual intercourse occurs within this approximate five day window of opportunity.

The Clearblue fertility monitor is able to detect high fertile days by detecting increased levels of estrogen within the urine. Peak fertility, which occurs at the onset of a LH surge, are the two most fertile days in a woman’s monthly cycle and occurs just prior to ovulation. No other fertility monitor can compare to the accuracy of this Clearblue model.

For this unit to analyze hormones appropriately, it must be started on the first day of your cycle. When your period begins, there is a “m” button on the unit that must be pressed to inform the monitor of your beginning cycle. A six hour testing window is then created and the monitor must be turned on during this timeframe. If a urine test is required, the Clearblue fertility monitor will display the request on the screen. It is best to use your first urine of the morning to perform tests as it typically has the highest concentration of hormones. Being an advanced device, you will find the onscreen instructions and ease of use quite simple to follow.

The Clearblue fertility monitor is not only great for women that have regular monthly cycles, but for those women that are coping with irregular menstrual cycles. In fact, those with irregular periods are more likely to benefit from a thorough analysis of their hormones to predict the days in which conception has the highest rate of probability. Many women find that their individual assumptions of their most fertile days are diagnostically proven by the Clearblue fertility monitor to be off by two or three days.

Women that use the Clearblue fertility monitor also benefit from long-term data storage. This particular device will retain monthly data for up to six menstrual cycles. This is especially useful in analyzing longer trends. Should women not conceive during this time, data from the Clearblue fertility monitor may be shared with an OB/GYN to determine if more comprehensive fertility testing is appropriate.