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Parrot at YAPC::NA::2008 in Chicago June 16-18

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James E Keenan
March 8, 2008 05:51
Parrot at YAPC::NA::2008 in Chicago June 16-18
Message ID:
A couple of points about YAPC:

1.  It's almost two weeks earlier this year than it has been in the past 
three years.  So if your mental clock has been set to "3 days of YAPC + 
2 days of hackathon + 3-day 4th-of-July weekend" (as mine has), please 
reset it whenever you (or, at least, those of you in NA) set your clocks 
ahead this weekend.

2.  Consequentially, the deadline for submissions is earlier this year. 
  In fact, it's just 7 days away:  Saturday, March 15.  So what 
Parrot-related submissions do we have?

3.  YAPC is trying out a new format for some time slots this year.  Josh 
McAdams writes on

"This year we are also planning on introducing more hands-on 
workshop-style tracks to the conference. These sessions will typically 
be a little longer than a normal presentation and will be much more 
informal. During the workshops, conference attendees will be able to 
interact with presenters to actually do things like compile Parrot or 
create a hello world program in Perl 6. If you are involved in a project 
and would like to host a workshop, please contact Josh McAdams directly 
at joshua dot mcadams at gmail dot com."

So, we've been all but commissioned to do a presentation in this 
workshop format.  My hunch is that if we can get participants to get to 
Hello World in Perl 6 and some other languages, we'll be much 
appreciated.  We could also lead people through the mechanics of 
downloading Parrot via tarball or SVN and building it.  If we could 
encourage people to bring laptops loaded with OSes that normally don't 
get much attention, we could get some instant feedback about what's working.

Who would like to work on something like this?


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