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Re: C for Perl programmers?

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Marvin Humphrey
January 20, 2008 06:38
Re: C for Perl programmers?
Message ID:

On Jan 19, 2008, at 6:59 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> Here is a perfect example of a total mindset mismatch I experience  
> when reading a lot of C tutorials and examples.  There's only one  
> word in my mind when I read the above... "So?"
> It's to do with the way it's presented.  There's so much unspoken  
> and assumed knowledge in there beyond simple syntax issues.

However, there was enough information there for a motivated  
individual to follow up.  I provided a link to the germane Wikipedia  
article; at the bottom of that article are links to several others.   
The best one is the first listed, from IBM Developer Works.

I didn't think it was necessary to go into that level of detail in a  
mailing-list post; not when it was possible to springboard off the  
Wikipedia article.

Kudos to Andy Armstrong for taking the time to provide a more  
thorough answer.

> What the hell is *(int*) and why is it there?

That's pointer dereferencing syntax and a cast.

As mentioned earlier, references in Perl...

    my $foo     = 1;
    my $foo_ref = \$foo;
    my $bar     = $$foo_ref;

... are analogous to pointers in C:

    int  foo        = 1;
    int *ptr_to_foo = &foo;
    int  bar        = *ptr_to_foo;  /* bar is now 1 */

The cast means, more or less, "convert this to something else".  C's  
conversion rules can be tricky, but casting between a char* and an  
int* is fairly straightforward (provided that the pointer variables  
are aligned).

Assume for simplicity's sake that a char is 8 bits and an int is 32  

    char *ptr_to_char  = malloc(sizeof(int));

ptr_to_char now holds a memory address.  At that memory address are 4  
bytes of uninitialized memory supplied by malloc().

    memcpy(ptr_to_char, &foo, sizeof(int));

After the memcpy operation,  the 4 bytes pointed to by ptr_to_char  
now hold the same values as the 4 bytes of memory that hold the int  
foo.  So, if we pretend that ptr_to_char is really a pointer-to-int,  
we can use those bytes to represent an int.

    int *ptr_to_int = (int*)ptr_to_char;
    int  baz        = *ptr_to_int;        /* baz is 1 */

The *(int*) idiom just combines the cast and the dereference, so that  
you don't need the intermediate variable.

> Shouldn't the language do this for me?

Not if it's a low-level language.  (Though, ironically, C was  
considered a high-level language when it was introduced.)

Pointers and dereferencing are basic stuff.  IMO, it's time for you  
to just suck it up and go write some C code.  Your dogmatic laziness  
is admirable, but it's getting in your way.  You're a bright guy;  
picking up the fundamentals of C isn't going to take you long.


Marvin Humphrey
Rectangular Research

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