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Ready for release?

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Rafael Garcia-Suarez
December 8, 2007 16:28
Ready for release?
Message ID:
With the last patch to Attribute::Handlers and the upgrade to EU::MM
6.42, I hope this is an answer to our problems. I'll kick out an RC3
soon, which hopefully will be final. I'll let the smokes run however.
(That will mean no code changes, except hints.)

Attribute::Types is still broken, and I'll hope to look a bit at it,
but since nobody seems to use it, and since some level of breakage was
to be expected, I don't see it as a show-stopper. However I'd like
some feedback on the attribute using modules. Thanks to all already :)
notably Sascha Blank and Andreas König for the Attribute stuff, and
Schwern & Craig for MakeMaker.

The Plan would be to release 5.10.0 on the 18th december. Why the
18th? Read perlhist.

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