Does Ahmadinejad Want a Radioactive Cloud over Iran?

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some people are really ego driven to preach coexistence with this guy. really... when the NYTimes owes up and concludes that something must be done... you can stop trying to provide equivalences between Iran and Israel. a hippie Woodstock will not stop a nutcase with a nuclear device. and it isn't just Israel that will be effected. the whole region will be become a radioactive ground. imagine all those oil pumps with men moving around in radioactive suits. completely devoid of culture. no more night clubbing in Dubai.... ok well maybe there are some positives.

Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, reiterated for the millionth time this week that he opposes military strikes against Iran's nuclear installations. That is, for the millionth time, the top US military officer effectively said that he prefers a nuclear armed Iran to an Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear installations.
RECENT REPORTS indicate that IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi - who strangely received a nice medal from Mullen two years ago - is the main opponent of an Israeli military strike against Iran's nuclear installations. If this is true, then Ashkenazi must either be forced to change his position or lose his job. The Iranian threat is too great to place in the hands of a commander the US reportedly views as its "friend" in Israel's decision-making circles.

Why did Iran move its stockpile of low-enriched nuclear fuel to above-ground storage that is vulnerable to air attack? The New York Times reports that IAEA inspectors in Iran just saw this:

... imagine the surprise of international inspectors almost two weeks ago when they watched as Iran moved nearly its entire stockpile of low-enriched nuclear fuel to an above-ground plant. It was as if, one official noted, a bull's-eye had been painted on it.

Why take such a huge risk?

a bomb attack on uranium stored above ground would raise a cloud of radioactive particles spreading around the world, as it did after the Chernobyl plant disaster in the Soviet Union. By contrast, underground uranium can be degraded just by making the roof fall in, with little or no radioactive particle leakage.
Remember that Saddam Hussein had a giant, rickety warehouse full of yellowcake uranium -- all the time we were told he had no WMDs by the sleazy Western media. We heard about that warehouse only three years after Saddam was overthrown, the yellowcake was very carefully repacked and moved out, and it was sent to Canada for reprocessing. The uranium warehouse was never bombed or shelled. The risk of a radioactive disaster -- or at least a P.R. disaster -- was much too great. President George W. Bush tolerated years and years of vicious personal smears by the Democrats and the Left about his "failure to find WMDs" just to ensure that the yellowcake was moved safely out of the country. That's the kind of man George W. Bush is. He did the right thing, and he took the hits from all the sleazy demagogues.
But why would A'jad invite such an attack on his precious enriched uranium? Because this is a martyrdom regime. These people derive their deepest justification from suffering -- the real thing, not the phony suffering the Western media like to celebrate on the nightly news. In Iraq, you can see news photos of Shiite religious processions with men whipping their backs bloody every single year. Suffering is the key to Shiite psychology, and in Iran, Khomeini turned the willingness of his followers to suffer into a political weapon. That is how A'jad still uses it today. Ahmaninejad appears to be a "Twelver," a follower of the most radical suicide- and hate-preaching cleric of them all, Ayatollah Yazdi, a real mad hatter. A'jad certainly wants every intelligence agency in the world to believe that he is a madman, because who wants to fight a real nutjob? There's no knowing what he will do.
A'jad's political calculation may be that after thirty years of forcing every Iranian child to chant "Death to Israel! Death to America!" -- an Israeli/U.S. attack will unify the country behind the cult in power. That would allow A'jad to carve up and kill the democratic opposition.
So far the Israelis haven't struck the "Bomb Me" target. They are in a serious bind. A'jad keeps taunting them with a genocidal nuclear attack. He is building the means to do it. But he is also aching for a good excuse to go and kill the Jews and the "Crusaders." When he is asked what the two greatest duties of a Muslim are, he answers, "To Kill and Die for Allah." That's official doctrine. It's what children are taught in school.

of course the NYTimes irresponsibly pushes the Whitehouse opinion which makes no sense at all:

officials in the White House, say they do not buy that theory. Iran has worked too hard to let its supply be destroyed, they argue. “I really doubt they are taunting the Israelis to hit them,” said officials in the White House, say they do not buy that theory. Iran has worked too hard to let its supply be destroyed, they argue. “I really doubt they are taunting the Israelis to hit them,” said Kenneth Pollack, a scholar at the Brookings Institution who recently ran a daylong simulation of what would happen after an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. “It would be humiliating for the Iranian regime,” he said. He speculated that Iran would have to retaliate, and “the ensuing confrontation would go in directions no one can really predict.”

Iran has shown that they do not care about their civilians. Iran is the funding for Hamas in Gaza and Hezballah in Lebanon. They are about to do the same thing in Persia. Israel does not have the numbers to occupy and fix Iran. If the International community doesn't want to see a mass death they will restrain Iran by occupation.
Confusing the kafirs is a speciality of the mad mullah’s:
The greatest threat to mankind and civilization is the spread of the totalitarian ideology. Its best ally is not the devotion of its followers but the confusion of its enemies. To fight it, we must understand it. Ayn Rand
Yesterday they swore that nukes are un-Islamic. Today its a religous obligation to nuke Israel. But don’t expect anyone in the West to take notice…..
by Hillel Fendel
( Ayatollah Masbah Yazdi, the spiritual teacher of Iran’s dictator Mahmoud Ahmedinajad, says that the acquisition of nuclear weapons is a religious obligation. So reports the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC), headquartered in Ramat HaSharon.
Yazdi, considered one of the leading religious thinkers in Iran, authored a book in which he wrote that attaining the ability to independently produce “special combat means of a specific type” is not only a military obligation for Iran, but also a religious one.
“We must manufacture, here at home, the most advanced weapons,” Yazdi wrote, “even if it doesn’t please our enemies. There is no reason that they should have the right to manufacture [such] weapons, while other countries are denied this right.” More>>
