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Last Updated: Friday, 23 December 2005, 07:15 GMT
Mohammed tops baby boy names
New Peterborough mosque
There are 7,000 Muslims of Pakistani origin in Peterborough
Mohammed has overtaken Thomas as Peterborough's most popular boys' name, a new survey has revealed.

In an annual poll taken by Peterborough City Council, Mohammed is the most common name for baby boys, while Chloe has retained the top spot for girls.

Mohammed is the name of the prophet who founded the faith of Islam in the seventh century.

At number six for girls is Keira, which is thought to have been inspired by the actress Keira Knightley.

Other top names include Amy, Megan and Maddison for girls, and Oliver, Connor and Benjamin for boys.

"Census figures reveal that there are only around 7,000 people of Pakistani origin living in Peterborough, just 4.5 per cent of the population," said superintendent registrar Janet Elliott.

"However, almost every new-born Muslim boy is named Mohammed, even though he may be called by a different name later in life."

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