AZ Immigration Law [Updated] OMG Obama bows to a DOG?

Obama bows to Calderon family dogThen there’s Obama down­ing Amer­ica with Mex­i­can Pres­i­dent Philippe Calderon. He even stoops so low as to bow and shake Calderon’s fam­ily dog’s paw. Talk about an anti-American putz. Every­one knows that Mex­ico is a narco-terrorist state. The reported death toll from mur­ders attrib­uted to drug related vio­lence since Calderon took office in 2006 exceeds over 15,000. This stat proves that Calderon and his coun­try are los­ing their lever­age to car­tel blood­shed. How dare Obama per­suade Mexico’s pres­i­dent to come to United States Con­gress to rail against Amer­ica. His suc­cess is obvi­ously depen­dent on ille­gal vot­ers. Guess what makes this so jacked up? Mexico’s laws are nearly iden­ti­cal to that of the United States and Ari­zona. Mex­ico has a job­less rate that dwarfs ours. And Mex­ico is not expe­ri­enc­ing the mil­lions of ille­gals flood­ing into their bor­ders like the US. So why couldn’t our POTUS stand up for Amer­i­cans? After all, he took an oath to do so. But promises to the Amer­i­can peo­ple are minor in Obama’s world. Obama promised dur­ing his first year that he would make immi­gra­tion reform a top pri­or­ity. NOT.

When you deal with Pawns in an over sized government you don't see the borders of the Chess game, you only see the color of the pieces.

When you engage in class and racial warfare, you assume that everyone else is too, and that you are only acting in self-defense.

People who don't believe in borders are totalitarian internationalists who are victimizing Latin Americans and encouraging a lower quality of life. The leaders do this because they are greedy and power hungry.
Now Washington D.C. has been put on notice that the states will act, even if Washington D.C. does not. And if the Federal government will not enforce the law, there are state governments that will. Immigration is not the end of it. The War on Terror remains an obvious area where the government has neglected its responsibilities in order to curry favor with Islam. And the next time an Islamic terrorist kills civilians in a more independent minded state, its residents may also decide that serious enforcement is needed.
Powerful people are against the measure because those who are against this will get the growing Hispanic support in our country. Sadly those people are using these Latin Americans and are guaranteeing these people a less sustainable life then they would if they stayed on the other side of the border. 
On today’s edition of the unbearable anti-male yenta hag-fest, faux-conservative and genuine airhead Elisabeth Hasselbeck condemned the new Arizona immigration law as being “very wrong.” She equated the Arizonans enforcing the law with the illegal aliens breaking it. “They’re both wrong.” The mindless Hasselbeck also called for national laws addressing illegal aliens. I guess she never heard: we’ve had them on the books for decades. They just aren’t being enforced. That’s why Arizona has to enforce them, moron. Here’s a tip, Elisabeth: the Immigration and Nationality Act–google it. Or try reading a paper.

and Family Guy?
It's a shame when people make baseless comparisons:

Money saved by not enabling these people to come here where they are a burden could be used to show a model Democratic Republic (which represent it's constituents and not an infinite community) that would prove to be a beacon standard for other countries to follow. Mexico is a failed state because of the popular but unsustainable standards chosen by their leaders and we are looking to copy their poor ideas. The general view that supports so called Leftist / Liberal / progressive immigration laws that encourage abuse is elitist and racist because it pretends that if we copy the ideas Mexico does that we won't suffer because we are White and we can afford it.  To these power hungry elitists a Mexican illegal alien is no different than a US citizen, because they don't recognize nations as valid entities.
Do you really think these international socialists have any concern for the quality of life of Mexicans or maybe they just think that a nice nanny state run by white people with a token black figure head is the best way to run the plantation? The real racists are the arrogant ones playing GOD. Democratic Republics have limitations and checks and balances. Borders are what keep these checks and balances from representing a larger area then can be represented fairly. Do you remember the reason for the 1776 revolution? The idea was no taxation without representation. Obviously the revolution fell short, but we need to be still fighting for independence from those powers that think they know better then local representation.  People who don’t believe in borders are totalitarian internationalists who are victimizing Latin Americans and encouraging a lower quality of life. The leaders do this because they are greedy and power hungry.
